FiNEXPERT va participa la French Investors Forum din cadrul evenimentului COUNTRY FOCUS COMMUNITY FORUM, organizat de Business Review.

COUNTRY FOCUS COMMUNITY FORUM este un eveniment de 2 zile, dedicat celor mai dinamice comunitati de investitori straini din Romania. Business Review invita comunitatile de afaceri americane, austriece, britanice, olandeze, franceze si germane sa evalueze perspectivele concurentiale ale Romaniei si sa identifice impreuna recomandarile care pot transforma provocarile in oportunitati de crestere.

Detalii despre eveniment si participare pe site-ul organizatorilor:
Any presented information is general and is not meant to address the specific conditions of a particular individual or legal person. Although we try to provide accurate and up-to-date information, there is no warranty that such information is accurate at the time of its receipt or that it continues to be accurate. No action should be taken based on this information without relevant professional assistance following a careful examination of the circumstances that are typical of a particular state of affairs.