Lucia Gurbănescu

Lucia Gurbănescu

Accounting Partner

Lucia is part of the management team of the Accounting & Payroll department, and in over 20 years of activity in the financial-accounting field, of which more than half spent in FiNEXPERT, has accumulated extensive professional experience working with local and multinational companies from a wide range of industries and sectors of activity. 

Lucia is a chartered accountant and financial auditor, a member of the Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania (CECCAR), an authorised auditor, as well as a member of the The Chamber of Financial Auditors of Romania (CAFR).

She graduated the Faculty of Accounting and Informatics Management at the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest. She also graduated the creative Leadership course, organized by ERUDIO Association within the ERISMA program, the "Manager in Armor " program organized by the Institute of Leadership & Management UK and the "Young Managers" program, organized by the Maastricht School of Management Romania.

Tel:  + 4(021) 311 44 65/66
         + 4(021) 529 77 30/31

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