Emergency Ordinance no. 191/2020 for the extension of the deadlines for the submission of documents provided for associations and foundations, as well as for legal entities registered in the trade register.
In the current epidemiological context, the Romanian Government has published a new series of urgent measures, with an exceptional character, regarding the granting of additional periods for the fulfillment of certain obligations. We list below the main measures adopted.
The extension of the deadline for submitting the declaration on the beneficial owner:
- the deadline for submitting the declaration regarding the real beneficiary provided by Law 129/2019, with subsequent amendments and completions, for companies registered within the trade register, is a maximum of 90 days from the end of the alert status.
- within the above-mentioned period, the declarations regarding the real beneficiaries submitted by legal entities having the obligation to register within the trade register at incorporation and whenever there is a change of the real beneficiary, also when there is a change regarding the identification data of the real beneficiary, as well as the declarations submitted by the registered companies until the date of entry into force of Law 129/2019, with subsequent amendments and completions:
- can take the form of a document under private signature or electronic form;
- can be sent to the trade register office by electronic resources, electronically signed, or by postal and courier services;
- can be given also before the representative of the trade register office or may be submitted, personally or through a representative, having a certain date from a public notary or being attested by a lawyer.
- the deadline by which it is submitted the declaration regarding the real beneficiary provided by the Government Ordinance no. 26/2000 on associations and foundations, approved with amendments and completions by Law no. 246/2005, with subsequent amendments and completions, for the modification regarding the identification data of the real beneficiary of the association or foundation, is of maximum 90 days from the end of the alert state, declared, in legal conditions, in order to prevent and combat the effects of the pandemic of COVID-19.
The extension of the deadline regarding the fulfillment of the obligation to complete the documents according to the requirements provided for the establishment of associations and foundations
- the term mentioned above, of maximum 90 days from the end of the alert state, also applies to the obligation to complete the documents according to the requirements provided for the establishment of associations and foundations by Government Ordinance no. 26/2000, approved with modifications and completions by Law no. 246/2005, with subsequent amendments and completions, as established by Law 129/2019, with subsequent amendments and completions.