Emergency Ordinance no. 107 on the amendment of Government Ordinance no. 5/2020 for the amendment and completion of Law no. 207/2015 on the Fiscal Procedure Code and for the extension of certain deadlines (Official Gazette no. 579 of 1st of July 2020).
In the context of the current crisis, a new set of measures has been approved for cross-border arrangements and for preceeding transfer pricing agreements:
- The new deadline for A.N.A.F to report the information to the competent authorities of the other Member States, through the automatic exchange, will be on 28th of February 2021 (initially 31st of August 2020) for the cross-border arrangements which are subject to reporting and for which the first step of the implementation process was carried out between 25th of June 2018 – 30th of June 2020 (initially applying to reports performed between 25th of June 2018 and 1st of July 2020);
- The 30-day deadline for reporting the information on cross-border arrangements to A.N.A.F. by intermediaries, is postponed and starts to run no later than 1st of January 2021;
- The intermediary prepares the first report by 30th of April 2021, in case of marketable arrangements;
- The deadline of 30th of April 2021 is introduced for A.N.A.F. to communicate the first information through the automatic exchange.
Any presented information is general and is not meant to address the specific conditions of a particular individual or legal person. Although we try to provide accurate and up-to-date information, there is no warranty that such information is accurate at the time of its receipt or that it continues to be accurate. No action should be taken based on this information without relevant professional assistance following a careful examination of the circumstances that are typical of a particular state of affairs.