The Nominal Value of a Meal Voucher
The nominal value of a meal voucher has been amended. As of May, its value is RON 9.41, up by 0.06 ban.
Order no. 1069/2015 determining the nominal index-linked value of a meal voucher for the first half of 20151
The Amendment of the Methodology and Updated List of Medicines for which a Quarterly Contribution is due
This Order has approved the methodology for reporting the updated List of medicines for which a quarterly contribution is due, as well as the reporting format for that List.
Under the new methodology, the updated List of medicines for which a quarterly contribution is due shall be submitted according to the new format, both electronically to the National Health Insurance House, during the month following the end of the quarter for which the contribution is due, and on paper by the 15th, inclusive, of the month following the end of the quarter for which the contribution is due.
Order no. 212/2015 approving the Methodology and format for reporting the updated List of medicines for which a quarterly contribution is due2
The Amendment of the Accounting Law
This Ordinance approves the amendments of, and supplements, the Accounting Law with the following:
- Individuals performing income producing activities, whose income is determined under an actual income system, are required to keep the books based on the simple or double entry bookkeeping rules;
- Amendments on the accounting management and those who can fill management positions.
In the case of consolidations, if the annual financial statements of the parent company are presented for approval along with the consolidated annual financial statements, the parent company may submit a single Audit Report on the annual financial statements submitted if the parent company has an auditing obligation.
Law no. 121/2015 approving the Government Emergency Ordinance no. 79/2014 amending and supplementing the Accounting Law no. 82/19913
Regulations on Non-routine Activities
The Detailed Rules have been approved for the exercise of non-routine activities undertaken by day workers.
The Order reiterates the establishment, completion, submission to the Territorial Labour Inspectorate and keeping of the Register of Day Workers, as well as the notification to the competent authorities, the investigation, recording and reporting of any events involving day workers.
Order no. 831/600/2015 approving the Detailed Rules for the application of Law no. 52/2011 on non-routine activities undertaken by day workers4
The Approval of Specific Forms used in the Customs Activity
This Order approves the Nomenclature of Specific Forms used in the Customs Activity, the format and content of the specific forms in the customs activity and the technical rules for using and filling out the forms.
Order no. 841/2015 approving the format, content and technical rules for using and filling out specific forms for use in the customs activity5
Detailed Rules for Transfers of Funds
The Detailed Rules have been approved for giving notices and solving the applications for authorisation of transfers of funds/financial services, in connection with the restrictive measures against Iran.
Order no. 81/2015 approving the Detailed Rules for giving notices and solving applications for authorisation of transfers of funds6
The Approval of the Procedure of Handover & Receipt of Enforceable Titles
The Order approves the procedure for the handover & receipt of enforceable titles identifying the debts representing the fees owed by employers to the territorial labour inspectorates and the documents concerning the enforcement measures taken by the territorial labour inspectorates.
Order no. 542/20157
Circular on the Interest Rate on Mandatory Minimum Reserves
According to the NBR circular, starting from the 24 May - 23 June 2015 application period, the interest rate paid on the mandatory minimum reserves established in RON is 0.21% a year and the interest rate paid on the mandatory minimum reserves established in EUR is 0.17 % a year.
Circular no. 23/2015 on the interest rates paid on the mandatory minimum reserves in RON and EUR starting from the 24 May – 23 June 2015 application period 8
The Amendment of the Procedure on the Recalculation of Advance Payments as Tax
Annex no. 1 of the Order approving the procedure for the recalculation of advance payments as tax has been amended for people deriving income from property rental (lease agreements).
Moreover, a new sub-section has been added to the section on recalculating the advance payments as tax, according to which, in case of termination, during the 2015 tax year, of lease agreements between the parties, the tax authority shall recalculate the advance payments starting from 1 June 2015, based on supporting documents at the request of the taxpayer.
Order no. 1301/2015 amending and supplementing Annex no. 1 to the Order of the President of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration no. 2.365/2014 approving the Procedure for recalculating advance payments as tax9
The Order for the Organisation of an Occasional Draw of the Fiscal Receipt Lottery
According to the Order, on 28 June 2015, an occasional draw of the Fiscal Receipt Lottery was organized including only the fiscal receipts issued from 29 March to 31 May 2015.
Order no. 745/2015 on organising an occasional draw of the Fiscal Receipt Lottery10
The Approval of the Procedure for the Implementation of the Transparent Scheme of De Minimis Aid
According to this Order, the procedure has been approved for implementing the transparent scheme of de minimis aid provided for under the Programme of development and upgrading of the marketing of market products and services.
Order no. 794/2015 approving the Procedure for implementing the transparent scheme of de minimis aid provided for under the Programme of development and upgrading of the marketing of market products and services11
The Approval of the Methodology for monitoring the Electricity Promotion System
The Order approves the methodology for monitoring the system for promoting electricity from renewable energy sources through green certificates.
Order no. 78/201512
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 374 of 28.05.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 377 of 29.05.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 382 of 02.06.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 385 of 03.06.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 390 of 04.06.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 389 of 04.06.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 428 of 16.06.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 436 of 18.06.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 445 of 22.06.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 460 of 25.06.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 458 of 25.06.2015
- Published in the Official Gazette, Part I no. 466 of 29.06.2015