The Romanian Government published a series of emergency measures, having exceptional character, targeting the social field in an attempt to avoid grave damage with long-term effects on employees and beneficiaries.
Emergency Government Ordinance no. 29/2020 regarding certain tax and economic incentives - published in the Official Gazette no. 230 / 21st of March 2020
1. To whom is the law addressed? 2. How many days are allowed? 3. How are these free days granted? 4. Leave of absence 5. Are these amounts subsequently settled by the state?
Fiscal measures implemented in Romania in the context of the crisis caused by COVID – 19
1. Law on the budget of state social insurance for 2020 2. Order of the minister of public finance regarding the main aspects related to the drafting and submittal of the annual financial statements and annual accounting reports of economic operators 3. Emergency ordinance regarding several fiscal-budgetary measures and for amending and supplementing several legislative acts 4. Order of the minister of public finance regarding the procedure and conditions under which tax warehouses are organised 5. Order of the Chairman of the Tax Administration National Agency for approving the Procedure on setting the amount of 3.5% of the annual tax 6. Approval of the template, content, manner of submitting and managing the Sole Statement 7. Modifications regarding the obligations to environment authorities 8. Government Ordinance 5/2020 for amending and supplementing Law 207/2015 on the Fiscal Procedure Code 9. Government Ordinance no. 6/2020 for amending and supplementing the Fiscal Code and regulating fiscal-budgetary measures 10. Brexit and its implications
1. Repeal of the split-VAT system 2. Regulation on the establishment of measures aimed at preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing 3. Approval of the framework model of the collaboration protocol between NAFA and non-banking financial institutions, in view of information exchange 4. The minimum gross basic salary in Romania 5.Removal of the over-taxation of part-time employment contracts 6. Intrastat thresholds 7. Excise duties 8. Quick remedies in the field of VAT - bill 9. Legislative bills regarding the treatment of hybrid elements 10. Legislative bills regarding accounting regulations 11. Legislative bills regarding the extension of the customs territory of the E.U.
Approval of the Procedure regarding the ex officio establishment of the annual tax on the incomes of natural persons Amendment and update of the Order of the President of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration on the approval of the procedure for issuing the tax clearance certificate, the certificate of budgetary liabilities, as well as their model and content Quick fixes in the field of VAT
Changes to the Fiscal Code in the area of VAT Ex officio settlement of the pension fund contribution and of the health insurance contribution
FiNEXPERT, the largest Romanian financial-accounting and fiscal consulting company, announces important changes from an organisational point of view, thus unlocking new business opportunities within the market
Amendments and clarifications regarding the content and modalities of filing and managing the statement no. 112 Procedure for cancellation of the accessory tax obligations of payment and amendments for the approval of the procedure for applying the measures for restructuring some budgetary obligations Amendments regarding the remote communication procedure by electronic means between the Ministry of Public Finance / the central tax body and taxpayers Maximum allowed value for meal vouchers Procedure regarding the transfer of the amounts recovered within recovery mutual assistance
Regulations regarding the prevention and control of money laundering and financing terrorism Law no. 129/2019 on the prevention and control of money laundering and financing terrorism, as well as for amending and supplementing certain normative acts, in force as of July 21, 2019 (Official Gazette no. 589 of July 18, 2019) Regulation no. 2/2019 on the prevention and control of money laundering and financing terrorism, in force as of September 9, 2019 (Official Gazette no. 736 of September 9, 2019)
Decision regarding the implementation of tax incentives Order on the compulsory enforcement against debtors with outstanding tax liabilities under a certain threshold Order approving the Semiannual Accounting Reporting System Order regarding the modification of Annex no. 1 for the approval of the Technical Norms for the application of the right of representation Order approving the template and content of the “Country-by-Country reporting” form Order to approve the template and content of form 300 “Value Added Tax Return” Order to approve the template and the content of form 109 “Tax on Net Financial Assets" Law no. 129/2019 of 11 July 2019 Order on the seals used in the activity of the General Directorate for Anti-Tax Fraud
Form 085 for the application of VAT option on electronic services Change in the sponsorship percentage of non-profit entities/religious establishments Additions to legislation regarding day laborers Amendment of Form 091 and instructions related to Form 094 Approval of NAFA mediation procedure Settlement of tax obligations in the electricity sector Online view of the statement of account from Treasury Aspects on accounting reporting as of 30 June 2019
Approval of the model, content, and manner of submission and management of the Single Return Procedure for the grant of bonuses in consideration of the submission of the Single Return Criteria for the grant of the exemptions set out in the Agricultural Cooperative Act to the members of the cooperative Modification and completion of regulations on the application of tax incentives granted to the construction sector