Resolution no. 719/2020 for approving the procedures for setting and paying the amounts granted in virtue of Government Emergency Ordinance no. 132/2020 on the support measures for employees and employers in the context of the epidemiological situation caused by the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, and for stimulating the increase of workforce occupancy.
The Government of Romania has published the procedures for settling and paying the amounts granted as support measures. Here are the main procedures.
I. Procedure for settling the compensation for employees’ reduced work time
For settling 75% of the difference between the gross basis salary provided in the individual employment contract and the gross basic salary related to the hours actually worked following the decrease of the work time by at least 50%, employers submit to employment agencies the following documents:
- An application,
- An affidavit showing the compliance with the conditions related to the decrease of the work time for at least 5 consecutive work days, the notification of the decision of the employer on reading the work time to the employee at least 5 days before the actual application of the measure and its registration in the employees’ register of records, of the condition regarding the number of employees affected by the measure (at least 10% of the number of employees of the unit), and the condition on decreasing the activity justified by a decrease of the turnover in the month prior to the application of the measure or, at most, in the month before the previous month by at least 10% compared to the similar month from the previous year;
- A list of the persons for which the settlement is requested, signed by the legal representative of the employer.
Settlement clarifications:
- The compensation is settled for the month before the one in which the application is submitted;
- The settlement from the unemployment insurance budget of the compensation is performed within 10 days after the submittal of the application and the aforementioned documents and after paying the related taxes and contributions;
- The compensation is paid by bank transfer to the accounts opened by employers with credit institution.
II. Procedure for granting compensations to professionals
The entitled persons directly submit the application, in electronic or hardcopy format, with the competent payment and social inspection agencies, accompanied by the identity document and an affidavit regarding the compliance with the conditions for granting the compensation of 41.5% from the gross average earnings provided by the Law on the state social insurance budget for 2020, no. 6/2020, as further amended and supplemented.
III. Procedure for settling amounts for daily work
For settling 35% of the compensation payable for the persons who carry out occasional unqualified activities, the works beneficiary submits with the payment and social inspection agencies the following documents:
- Application;
- Lists of daily workers.
NB: the settlement is made only for the daily workers who are in the Daily workers’ electronic register of records.
IV. Procedure regarding the settlement of the amounts granted for employees who conclude individual employment contracts for determinate periods up to 3 months
For settling part of the salary representing 41.5% of the salary related to the days worked at these workplaces, but no more than 41.5% of the gross average salary earnings provided by the Law of the state social insurance budget for 2020 no. 6/2020, as further amended and supplemented, related to the worked period for employees who conclude individual employment contracts for determinate periods, employers submit the following documents to the competent employment agencies:
- An application;
- An affidavit showing the compliance with the conditions regarding the settlement period (no longer than 3 months), the condition regarding the work period (8 hours a day), the condition regarding the duration of the individual employment contracts for determinate terms (up to 3 months);
- The list of persons for whom the settlement of the amount is requested, assumed by the legal representative of the employer.
NB: employers, by legal representatives, are liable for the accuracy and truthfulness of the data from the aforementioned documents.
Settlement clarifications:
- The aforementioned documents are submitted in the current month for the previous month, after paying the related taxes and contributions;
- The amount is settled within 10 days after submitting the application, only for the employees who are in the Employees’ general register of records and after paying the related taxes and contributions.