GD 332/2014
to support investments promoting regional development
by creating jobs
The Ministry of Public Finance estimates that the registration session for financing requests under GD 332/2014 will be opened in March and July 2016 (in the event that the allocated budget for the March session will not be totally exhausted).
The actual dates for opened sessions to register the financing requests will be published on the Ministry of Finance’s website with at least 30 days in advance. GD 332/2014 supports initial investment that would generate within maximum 3 years from the completion of the investment the creation of minimum 10 new jobs (out of which at least 3 for disadvantaged workers).
July 1st, 2014 - December 31st, 2020
Payment of the aid will be made during the period 2015-2025 |
2,700 million (the equivalent of approximately EUR 600 million) with the possibility of supplementing |
Initial investment* that would generate within maximum 3 years from the completion of the investment the creation of minimum 10 new jobs (out of which at least 3 for disadvantaged workers) by:
setting up a new unit
extending the capacity of the existing unit
diversifying unit production
making fundamental changes in the general process of production within the existing unit
*only initial investment in favour of a new economic activity, for large companies in the Bucharest region.
There is no threshold for the amount of the investment. |
Activities in all sectors of the economy are eligible, EXCEPT** for the activities in:
the sector of fisheries and aquaculture;
the sector of primary production of agricultural products;
the sector of processing and sale of agricultural products when the amount of the aids is determined based on the price or quantity purchased from primary producers;
the category of activities that facilitate the closing of non-competitive coal mines;
the sector of siderurgy, coal, shipbuilding, synthetic fibers, transport and energy;
the category of activities related to third countries or other member states;
the category of operation activities (aid for operation);
**The full list of sectors of activity for which no aid will be granted by the state is presented at the end of this information |
The scheme is addressed to all the companies which:
are registered in accordance with Law no. 31/1990
have no outstanding debts to the budgets composing the general consolidated budget,
do not fall into the category of "companies in a difficult situation"
are not in the procedure of forced execution, insolvency, bankruptcy, judicial reorganization, dissolution, operational closure, winding-up or temporary suspension of activity
decisions for recovery of a state aid were not issued against them or, in the event such decisions were issued, they have been executed
have not benefited from other regional state aids for eligible costs of the nature of tangible and intangible assets within the same single investment project
have not closed an identical or similar activity in the European Economic Area in the two years preceding the submission of the application for aid and, at the time of submission of the application, have no concrete plans to close down such an activity within a period of two years after completing the initial investment, in the region in question.
Specific conditions for:
their return on turnover ≥ 1% in the last financial year ended;
they have positive equity in the last financial year ended.
they have a called-up and paid share capital amounting to at least RON 30,000;
they do not belong to shareholders who hold or have held in the past two years prior to the date of registration of the application for financing another business registered in accordance with Law no. 31/1990 that carries out or has carried out the business for which financing is requested;
Download the PDF file for further informations.
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