and we share it with you
Based on the actions recently announced by tax authorities that have concluded a cooperation agreement with NCSP (National Commission for Strategy and Prognosis) - which is primarily aimed to select taxpayers subject to tax audits - we bring to your attention the main deadlines and obligations of the first quarter of the year.
Individuals who spent more than 183 days in Romania within any 12 month period ending in the fiscal year concerned are required to fill in and submit to the Romanian tax authorities a special Questionnaire - “Tax residency questionnaire upon arrival in Romania”, along with relevant documentation within 30 days after the elapse of the 183-day period.
Law approving the Emergency Ordinance of Government No. 25/2018 amending and completing certain legislative acts and approving fiscal-budgetary measures, published in the Official Gazette no. 44 of 17 January 2019.
Kindly note that individuals deriving income/loss from Romania and/or from abroad which are subject to personal income tax and social contributions are required to file the annual statement regarding the income tax and social contributions due by individual (the Unique Tax Return).