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ArticlesArticoleNewsletter Digital nomadism is a lifestyle in which people work remotely, having the freedom to travel and live wherever they want, as long as they have access to the internet. This concept is closely related to the development of online communication and collaboration technologies, which allow individuals to carry out their professional activity without being tied to a fixed workplace. 31.01.2025
ArticlesArticoleNewsletter We inform you that, starting with 1st of January 2024, the Republic of Moldova has implemented a legislative framework regarding transfer pricing, in accordance with the principles of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). 28.01.2025
ArticlesArticoleNewsletter Crowe Romania, one of the leading consultancy and audit companies in the country, is pleased to announce the promotion of Andreea Mitrea to the position of Audit Partner, effective January 1, 2025. 16.01.2025
ArticlesNewsletter Digital Mind, a company part of the Crowe Romania group committed to driving innovation in technology, began its merger process with ITXS last year, a process that was finalized at the end of 2024. 15.01.2025
ArticlesArticoleNewsletter On December 18, 2024, Order No. 7015 was published, detailing the procedure for completing and submitting Form 212, the "Annual Tax Return on Income Tax and Social Contributions Due by Individuals" for the year 2024. 13.01.2025
ArticlesNewsletter È stata pubblicata sulla Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 1334 del 31 dicembre 2024 l'Ordinanza d'urgenza n. 156/2024 relativa ad alcune misure di bilancio pubblico in materia di spesa pubblica per la regolarità del bilancio generale consolidato per l'anno 2025, di modifica e integrazione di taluni atti normativi, nonché per la proroga di determinati termini, e le disposizioni di seguito riportate sono entrate in vigore dal 1° gennaio 2025. Digital Nomadism
Information regarding transfer pricing obligations in the Republic of Moldova and Crowe Romania's support in this endeavor
Crowe Romania strengthens its team of partners! Andreea Mitrea appointed as Audit Partner starting January 1, 2025
Digital Mind and ITXS join forces to digitalize the accounting, audit, and tax consultancy market
The Annual Tax Return for the Year 2024
Misure fiscali introdotte dall'OUG 156/2024